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My English Taiwan podcast recommendations

condenser microphone with black background

After a slow start, there are now quite a few quality podcasts about Taiwan in English. Let me introduce those I recommend you check out.

A few months ago, together with Berlin-based Mariano Glas, I kicked off a German podcast about Taiwan. It’s called Taiwancast – not too original, but catchy enough, would you agree?

We have nine episodes out now (plus a pilot) talking about political developments and backgrounds as well as everyday phenomena in Taiwan listeners are interested in. You can subscribe to the Taiwancast right here on my blog. However – it’s in German only.

Luckily, there are already some great Taiwan podcasts in English. These are the ones you should give a try:

Ghost Island Media

  • Metalhead Politics – feat. parliamentarian / Chthonic frontman Freddy Lim. Currently on a break after „season one“ is finished. All episodes still well worth listening to. Every time towards the end, Freddy will explain the Taiwanese lyrics behind his song’s melodies and sing for the listeners.
  • The Taiwan Take – A current affairs show on Taiwan and its impact on the world
  • Waste Not Why Not – A science podcast on sustainability and how not to save the environment


ICRT Radio

  • Taiwan This Week – Compact weekly news round-up, sometimes featuring yours truly

Talking Taiwan

  • Talking Taiwan – More conversations with interesting people, from a Taiwanese-American perpective

Any other recommendations? Please share them in the comments!

About me

I am a German reporter living and working in Taiwan. Read more English posts on this otherwise mostly German blog. You can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

English posts you might want to have a look at:

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Klaus Bardenhagen

Klaus Bardenhagen


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