Do you agree with #11 ?
I first came to Taiwan in 2008 and moved here in 2009. That doesn’t make me a long-timer, but probably qualified to contribute to the popular genre of „You know you’ve lived in Taiwan too long if…“ lists.
What happened?
- Foreign Sanctuary wrote a blog post titled „You know you’ve lived in Taiwan a long time when…“
- Taiwan Explorer called on other bloggers to do the same.
- Jenna from Laorencha published her list, which is pretty awesome.
So now it’s up to me!
You know you’ve lived in Taiwan a long time when…
1. Those German exchange students you once met and wrote about are all working in cool jobs by now.
2. You are comparing current elections campaigns to the ones from four years ago. Or longer.
3. You are irritated if there is no TV running in a restaurant.
4. You think buildings like this look perfectly fine. Above average, in fact.
5. You buy fluorescent tubes for your living room. Because they are bright.
6. There’s an Aboriginal village in the mountains where an elder declared you his brother, and once a year you join the rest of the warriors dancing from dusk till dawn, drinking millet wine from a bamboo bucket.
7. Most pictures of scenic spots in your photo library are outdated by now.
8. Staff at your 7-Eleven are surprised when you order another kind of coffee than usual.
9. You remember when the Taipei MRT used to look like this:
10. You don’t even notice people casting glances at you because of your foreigner-ness anymore.
11. Typhoons and Taiwanese wedding banquets feel boring to you. Seen one, seen ‚em all.
12. When looking at any globe or map of the world, your first thought is to check if Taiwan has a different colour than China.
13. You think warning signs like these are totally normal.
Any more reasons?
The biggest list on the subject that I know of is simply called „You know you’ve been in Taiwan too long if…“ It has 91 points, and the first one I recognized myself in was #46.
What about you? How has Taiwan changed you? Leave your comments below!
About me
I am a German reporter living and working in Taiwan. Read more English posts on this otherwise mostly German blog. You can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Vine, and Google Plus.
Video: What Makes Taiwan so Special?
English posts you might want to have a look at:
- Taiwanese girls dating Western foreigners: What is a Xicanmei?
- If you don’t plan to see Beyond Beauty: Taiwan From Above, here’s why you should
- Who is behind the „foreigners talk about Taiwan“ videos?
- Cheap labor, no rights: Taiwan’s 2nd class foreigners
Das könnte auch interessant sein:
- 10 Photos to prove that Taiwanese can sleep anytime, anywhere. Amazing!
- 12 Advertisements in Taiwan for German Companies I Never Heard Of
- 10 English online sources of information about Taiwan’s upcoming elections
- „I knew nothing about my country“: Who is behind the „foreigners talk about Taiwan“ videos?
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3 Antworten
12 is good, hammer head nail. And of course 11, among others.